
We commence the new liturgical year in the season of Advent.
Click the picture to download the message transcript.

Today is the second Sunday in Lent.  Our message today is about the vision and promise that we have that is worth sharing and proclaiming.

Today is the third Sunday in Lent.  Our message today is about confronting and conquering a complaining spirit, and how, with God’s help, we can uproot this weed and instead produce the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness and goodness.

Today is the fourth Sunday in Lent.  We will be talking about going on a trip – the “guilt” trip.  How can we be set free from the guilt trip and the trap that this ensnares us in.  How can we be free in Jesus and wear His robe of righteousness.

This week we are looking at the seventh and last Church mentioned in Revelation 2 and 3; the church in Laodicea.  Their deeds were known and whilst they thought they were rich and in need of nothing, God wanted to spit them out because they were neither hot nor cold, but lukewarm. Their lack of commitment nauseated Him.  Jesus loved this church and called them to repent and turn back to Him.

This week we are reviewing the seven ancient churches of Revelation to see what Christ is trying to teach us about His manifest presence here on earth and how we can reflect that presence and saving grace to those around us.

Today is the first Sunday in Lent.  We will be looking at how Jesus was led into the wilderness, was tempted and how He triumphed over temptation through obedience to God’s will.

This week we are looking at the Church in Thyatira; a church that was acknowledged for being loving and patient and abounding in good works, but that was not grounded in truth and had allowed sin to corrupt them. Once again, Jesus warns them to repent.

This week we are looking at the Church in Sardis; a church that had the reputation of outwardly appearing spiritual but was warned that they were actually spiritually dead. They were warned to hold on to the truth and to repent of their sins.

This week we are looking at the Church in Philadelphia; a church known to have little strength, yet they kept God’s word and did not deny the name of God.  They were commended for keeping God’s command to endure patiently and to hold on.

During the season of Epiphany, we’ll listen to Jesus share his thoughts on his churches.  This week we are looking at the Church in Ephesus; a faithful church who lost their first love. What does this mean and how can we not fall into that trap?

Today we will continue our journey through the seven churches of Revelation.  This week we are looking at the Church in Smyrna; an afflicted and poor church, but God says they are rich.  They were told they would suffer but were admonished to remain faithful, and they would be victorious.

Today we will continue our journey through the seven churches of Revelation.  This week we are looking at the Church in Pergamum; a church where some compromised their allegiance to Jesus and accommodated false teachings and dabbled in ungodly practices.  Jesus says we must repent.

Christmas Day.  Our King and Saviour is born in fulfillment of the old testament prophecies – he arrived as promised, right on time.

On the first Sunday after Christmas, Br Bill Nicolle will lead us in a Prayer Praise and Proclamation service remembering the profound impact of Christ’s birth.

During the season of Epiphany, we’ll listen to Jesus share his thoughts on his churches.  We’ll learn how Southlakes Anglican can be the faithful church Jesus calls us to be.

Today is the fourth Sunday of Advent.  The theme for this week is Love.  We show our love for God by trusting that He will do the impossible.  We will be looking at Mary’s Example of faith.

It’s Christmas Eve and it’s time to enjoy our special Carol Service together with a drama entitled “The Innkeeper’s Wife’s Lesson”.  

It’s Christmas Eve and let us celebrate Holy Communion as we bring in Christmas Day.

Today is the first Sunday of Advent.  When there is darkness all around us, how can we hold on to hope and have courageous confidence that God is faithful and will keep his promises.

Today is the second Sunday of Advent.  This week we are focusing on Peace and whilst Jesus is known as the Prince of Peace, we see very little evidence of this peace around the world.  So, how exactly does Jesus bring “peace on earth”?

Today is the third Sunday of Advent.  There is a difference between Happiness and Joy.  What is that difference and how can we have joy even when the circumstances do not make us happy.  At this time of year we hear a lot about rejoicing. How and why should we rejoice?

Today is the 25th week of Pentecost.  Our service today will be recognising the work of our defence, police, health and emergency services. RevJuleen will be presenting our message from Mark 12: 38-44, looking at two stories that teach about true humility and obedience.

Today is the 26th week of Pentecost.  Br Bill will be speaking today about keeping watch but staying connected to Jesus, based on the gospel of Mark chapter 13.

Today is Christ the King Sunday.  Is He the King of your life?  Does He sit on the throne of your heart?  Today’s message will look at how this is a constant daily process, not just a once off decision.

Today is the 22nd week of Pentecost.  This week we conclude our series exploring how to develop a faith that works when life doesn’t.  James’ final chapter deals with developing a faith that transforms weakness into strength.

Today is the 23rd week of Pentecost.  Today we will be looking at how Jesus engaged with the blind man, Bartimaeus (Mark 10: 46-52), and how we should respond to those who cry for God’s mercy.

Today is All Saints Day.  Today we will be looking at celebrating life and understanding that every saint has a story to tell.  Our lives should celebrate the story of God.

Today is the 19th week of Pentecost.  This week we will continue looking at James’ practical advice about how we use our speech and looking at how we can develop a faith that helps us control our tongues.

Today is the 20th week of Pentecost.  As Bishop Charlie will be taking our service there is no Message Transcript; however attached is a Personal Reflection and some Discussion Questions on James 4:1-17, for you to go through and contemplate.

Today is the 21st week of Pentecost.  As Bishop Ian Lambert is taking the service there is no Message Transcript; however he has provided an overview of his talk based on James 5:1-12, together with some personal reflection and discussion questions.

Today is the 16th week of Pentecost and as we continue our journey through the book of James we will be looking at how we can develop a faith that helps in times of conflict.

Today is the 17th week of Pentecost. We are continuing our journey through the book of James and today we are looking at how we can develop a faith that makes us less judgemental.

Today is the 18th week of Pentecost. We are continuing our journey through the book of James.  We all make a huge number of decisions every day; some easy but others much harder with lifelong consequences.  Today we will be examining how to have a faith that makes tough decisions easier.

Today is the 13th week of Pentecost and today we will look at what Jesus meant when he said to “come to Me” and how that means He will feed us so that we will never be hungry again.

Today is the 14th week of Pentecost and we will look at Jesus’ confronting statement that whoever “eats” His flesh and “drinks” His blood will abide in Him and He in them.   We will look at how and why Jesus pulls down the dividing wall between secular and sacred.

Today is the 15th week of Pentecost and we will be starting our journey through the book of James and today we are looking at how we can develop a faith that works and which is not troubled by troubles.

Today is the 10th week of Pentecost and we will be looking at why we are called to grow to maturity and how does growth happen? What should we do when we are asking, “Where is Jesus?”

Today is the 11th week of Pentecost and we will be looking at many people’s favourite subject: Food.  But we will be asking whether we are searching for and nourishing our souls with good spiritual food?

Today is the 12th week of Pentecost and we celebrating the inspirational work of Mary Sumner, while also exploring what Jesus meant went he called himself the ‘bread of life’.

Today is the 7th week of Pentecost and we will be looking at what God has called us to be:  and that is to be a community of worshippers.

Today is the 8th week of Pentecost and we will be looking at what it means for us to be a member of God’s family.

Today is the 9th week of Pentecost and we will be looking at how members of Christ’s body ought to relate to one another and why it is important to gather beyond Sunday worship.

As we have a visiting speaker presenting the message for the 4th Sunday after Pentecost, there is no message transcript for this week.

Following RevMel’s recent SOMA African mission trip, her message today will be in the form of an interview about her experience and what she has learned. 

On this sixth week of Pentecost we will be looking at God’s purpose for His church and why our worship of God is more than just on Sunday.

Let us not allow the focus of our image of God become overwhelmed.  God invites us into intimate fellowship with him, calling him ‘Father’.  Do we dare to call him, Abba Father?

As we journey through the season of Pentecost and continue to live in the light of Jesus, we see that the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.

On this 3rd Sunday after Pentecost we are challenged by Mark’s gospel regarding who is God’s family.  We will see that the family of God does the will of God.

Today we continue the series on the pastoral letters of John. In his letters John urges the believers to remember that Jesus Christ has made us an overcomer.

Today is Ascension Sunday.  We will look at God’s great commission to go into all the world, to proclaim the good news; to be a missionary called to minister in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Today is Pentecost Sunday.  We will look at God’s life-giving gift of the Holy Spirit to the church and remember that “He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world.”

Today we continue the series on the pastoral letters of John. In his letters John urges the believers to hold fast to the true Gospel, by being confident in, and experiencing the grace of forgiveness.

Today we continue the series on the pastoral letters of John. In his letters John urges the believers to hold fast to the true Gospel, by knowing the Good Shepherd and showing his love to others.

Today we continue the series on the pastoral letters of John. In his letters John urges the believers to hold fast to the true Gospel, by being assured of God’s goodness and love

Our Saviour is risen!  He is risen indeed!  Today we celebrate the power of God which raised Jesus from the dead – the pathway for us to enjoy eternal life has been made clear.  How does our life reflect the power of God that resides within our heart?

Our Saviour is risen!  Today we begin a series on the pastoral letters of John. In his letters John urges the believers to hold fast to the true Gospel, through finding their identity in the fellowship God shares with his Son Jesus.

Sunday, 17 March will be our fifth Sunday in the season of Lent.  Jesus teaches us that it is through dying that we enter enternal life?

On Palm Sunday we wave palm branches and declare “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.”  We welcome Assistant Bishop Charlie Murray who will lead our service!  As Bishop Charlie is preaching, there is no message transcript.

Maundy Thursday remembers the time when Jesus shares one last meal with his disciples, before his death.  Here, he washes their feet and urges us to follow his example.  How are we to do so? Even washing the feet of our enemies and those who will betray us?

Sunday, 25th February will be our second Sunday in the season of Lent.  Are we willing to carry our cross?   It is the kind of dedication not many are prepared to do.

Sunday 3 March will be our third Sunday in the season of Lent.  Will you allow Jesus to disrupt your life?  We often put ‘do not disturb’ on the door of our hearts. If only we’d allow Jesus to clean it out!

Sunday, 10 March will be our fourth Sunday in the season of Lent.  Jesus uses a shocking analogy to explain the Gospel.

This week on Transfiguration Sunday we celebrate the appearing of Jesus in his glorified form. Rev Juleen will lead the service preaching on how are our lives being transfigured by God?

On Wednesday, 14th February we gather for our Ash Wednesday service.  Ash Wednesday assists us to enter into our Lenten Journey, this year focussing on surrendering all to Jesus.

Sunday, 18th February will be our first Sunday in the season of Lent.  Are we prepared to lay down our life for Jesus?   It is the kind of dedication not many are prepared to do.

Today as we celebrate the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany, Rev Mel will lead the service and Bill will preach.  Bill’s message is entitled “Jesus’ asks: Will you follow me?”

Today as we celebrate the 4th Sunday after Epiphany, Rev Mel will lead the service and preach on how Jesus has called us to live a life of purpose.

Today as we celebrate the 5th Sunday after Epiphany, Rev Mel will lead the service and preach on whether you are passing the tests God sets for you.