
Anglican Appellant Tribunal

On the 12 November, an important decision was made by the Anglican Appellant Tribunal. Read more >>

There is so much happening at Southlakes Anglican with many groups, services, and our Boutique and Bazaar open on different days.  Watch the What’s On video on the Church’s homepage or here >> 

RevMel’s International SOMA Mission to Northern Ireland

From 31st May to 15th June RevMel attended the Anglican international mission with SOMA (Sharing of Ministries Abroad).  Read more >>

Sunday Services are back!

We are once again meeting on Sunday in our expansive worship space.  Join us at 9 am for Sunday worship.  Please note it is necessary to book to attend this service.

The Southlakes Anglican Blessing Stone hunt has begun!

If you are walking around the Southlakes region and happen to find a beautifully painted stone - with a little message of hope - you have probably just discovered a Southlakes Anglican blessing stone!

A new Welcome Video has been uploaded to our website and Facebook page – announcing that our Church Office is open once again and our Sunday Services have recommenced.

Walking through the Valley of a Pandemic

David walked through troubling times, yet he was able to fear no evil. Why? What had David learnt about his Shepherd God? He had learned his God provides, protects, prepares and preserves him. Read more>>

What have the Mission Action Team being doing during lockdown?

A team have been gathering (via Zoom) during lockdown to discuss how to create a worship space which is welcoming to people who would otherwise not attend a church service. Here is a short video about what they've been doing. Read more>>

What happens in a Zoom Home Group?

While the world is experiencing tremendous change, saints are meeting together in their homes, using the Zoom video software. Watch this video and see what happens when they meet together. Read more>>

Southlakes welcomes a new minister

Community Garage Sale - 29th Feb 2020

Reverend Alison Wooden

The Bishop of Newcastle, Peter Stuart, commissioned Rev Melinda McMahon as Intentional Interim Priest-in-Charge.  Read more >>

The extremely popular Southlakes Garage Sale is on again this Saturday, 29th February. Doors will open at 8 am.  Everything from brick-a-brac, linen, furniture, laps, china and even some antique collectables are available!

The Southlakes Anglican Community wants to thank Reverend Alison Wooden for her wonderful ministry over the past four years. 

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Rachel

    Hello! May you please send me details for your Ash Wednesday service?

  2. Paul Tovey

    Could you please email a newsletter
    M 0405297496

    1. RevMel

      Hi Paul I’ve placed you on the church’s newsletter. Every blessing. Rev Melinda

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