As many are self-isolating, let’s remember the phone, email and txt … let’s keep in touch.
At this time of global crisis, it is important to act wisely. This may mean that for a time we refrain from attending Sunday Services, or other gatherings.
It is with this in mind that I forwarded the following email to all of my parishioners:
As I was praying this morning, I felt a very strong sense to contact as many as I could in our Southlakes Community to reassure you of my prayers at this very unusual and unprecedent time of national crisis.
This week the Parish Council decided on the necessity of temporarily ceasing our Coffee Shop ministry and other non-necessary events such as the Men’s Dinner. This caused us great pain as we are all aware how important these ministries are to you.
At this stage Borne Again Boutique will remain open, and our mid-week Lenten Reflection Services will continue. We must all be vigilant however, to space ourselves more liberally than we have in the past.
I am aware that some may be concerned with my contacting you via email. I do not intend to bombard you with emails. Rather, I wanted to reassure you that you are in my prayers, and would like my care of you to continue, either via phone or email, although probably not face to face. I am also aware many of our parishioners do use email. I will endeavour to telephone them over the coming weeks.
I also want to reassure you that if you feel it is necessary to temporary self-isolate and not attend our Sunday gatherings, we will understand. For those of you who have access to the internet, a transcript of Sunday’s message can be downloaded from the Church’s website at www.southlakes.org.au under the ‘messages’ tab. Discussion notes are also available.
Please be in prayer for our world and our community. This is a very fearful time for many.
However, as God’s beloved family, we can be reassured our Lord is intimately aware of this crisis and is able to use it for His glory and grace.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all,
Rev Melinda